What we do
Building on that experience and critical urban design methodologies, such as pattern languages, placemaking and community charrettes, he coordinates CitiesXCitizens, a project to experiment with the democratization of city-making. He developed the methods planning-in-situ (i.e. planning the space from the space and in real time) and open planning (i.e. the planning process is potentially open to anyone who wants to participate). We particularly focus facilitating community engagement as an urban design strategy to revitalize and reappropriate interstitial spaces (i.e. space underneath elevated highways, service alleyways, railyards, etc.) in Montreal
Silvano De La Llatta
He is an architect, an urbanist and an educator. He received his PhD in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University (2014). His research has focused on public space and the study of alternative uses, such as street vending, graffiti, public assembly and protest, as design/planning agents. His dissertation explores alternative planning processes in the context of protest encampments in horizontal social movements. He did research and participated in the Indignados mobilizations in Barcelona, Occupy Wall Street and other social movements in 2011 and 2012. Building on this experience. He developed urban design methodologies, open planning and planning-in-situ, to redesign interstitial spaces in Montreal through collaborative community engagement.
Mira baba
Mira baba is a landscape architect and MSc student in Geography, Urban and Environmental studies at Concordia University. She is interested in studying cultural landscapes, sense of place and community-based design. Her masters research ties these interests, by exploring the community’s perceptions as a tool in planning and designing indeterminate spaces of a gentrified post-industrial neighborhood
Mohammad Manshaei